The new version of the InterElcom website

Publish date 2021-03-17

We analyze the current development of technology on an ongoing basis. We take part in trainings, InterElcom employees obtain new certificates, raise their qualifications at subsequent trainings. We do not agree to this.

InterElcom is pleased to announce the release of our new website. The new site offers a refreshed look and easier navigation. We've placed an emphasis on its responsiveness, meaning you'll find the same information and essentially the same look, whether you're using a computer or smartphone!

Our main goal when designing the site was to offer the user a faster and easier way to find the information they need about the products so that they could efficiently select a specific element.

We invite you to look around! We are convinced that you will easily find the information you need about electronic components.

If you have a question or if any of the products in our offer is missing, please contact us. Our offer is constantly expanding.