About us

We specialize in sales and delivery of electronic components

One of our core values is building long-term relationships with our clients

Our suppliers highly value working with us, and our clients appreciate our reliable service, trustworthy information, and extensive technical support. We prioritize being close to the customer and providing them with technical and commercial expertise in a friendly atmosphere.

Short history and mission

InterElcom has been operating in the Polish market since 2011, but its core consists of individuals with many years of experience in trading electronic components and devices in Poland, European, and Asian markets, as well as extensive expertise in modern electronic technologies. At the heart of our company lies the desire to simplify and streamline the entire electronics trading process so that customers can quickly and affordably obtain products that meet their needs.

We are a company focused on dynamic growth, and our mission is to ensure that the quality of our services always remains at the highest level. Our suppliers highly value their cooperation with us, and our customers point to our reliable service, trustworthy information, and extensive technical support. This is exactly what matters to us - to be close to the customer and to serve them with our technical and commercial expertise in a friendly atmosphere. An expression of their trust in us is a series of distribution agreements with InterElcom.


We set ambitious goals for ourselves, both in sales development and in the supply of electronic components offered by us, because this is the only way to reach the top. We ensure that customers have a choice of electronic products made with the latest technologies. We listen to them and make sure to meet consumer demand. We follow trends, acquire new knowledge, and implement innovative technologies.

We eagerly await new opportunities. The future is an opportunity to expand our range with new, high-quality products and services. Every day, we strive to develop and ensure competitiveness in the market. Our goal is to be a leader in providing high-quality electronic products and services.

We take on the challenge, our clients reap the pleasure

At the heart of our company lies the desire to simplify and streamline the entire electronics trading process so that our clients can quickly and affordably obtain products that meet their needs.